Triple Guild 2001
East Taunton, MA
9/7/2001 to 9/9/2001

This festival is held in Massasoit State Park in East Taunton, Massachusetts. This festival is put on by the Filedheacht School of Distance Learning, a bardic school created and ran by Gwynne Green, ADF's Chief Bard and The Sacred Forest, a magical training school created and ran by Rob Barton, ADF's Preceptor.

It is a time when the people attending can learn bardic traditions in the ways that the original bards would have been taught. There were workshops presented on both Celtic and Norse cultures. I presented my workshop "The Role of the Magician in ADF."

Total miles traveled to and from the festival was 727 miles.

Clicking on any of the pictures below will bring up a large (640 X 480) version of the picture.

Looking into the main area that we camped in.

Some of the people attending.

Gathered around for a workshop.

The group from Canada ready to leave on Sunday.


Last updated 11/14/01.