SLG Lugh Fest - 2001
Held at Brighton, MI
8/2/2001 to 8/5/2001

This festival is held at a very nice site that is actually a church camp. The festival runs from Thursday afternoon to Sunday afternoon. It's an established festival that always is very well done.

I gave three workshops on Friday, a meditation workshop that started with a discussion about mediation techniques and ended with a guided meditation, "The Way of the Trees workshop" and "How to Integrate ADF into your family life." About 40 people in all attended them.

On Saturday, I presented my workshop titled "Daily Devotional Rites." A reported from one of the local papers was present and photographed me and later interviewed me for a story about the festival. There had been a nice piece in advance about the festival happening and several people did show up to "check out the Pagans" because of it.

I sold regalia on all four days and sold $232 worth of regalia. I give many thanks to all who attended and helped ADF by purchasing regalia.

My total travel miles for the festival were - 1076 miles.

Clicking on any of the pictures below will bring up a large (640 X 480) version of the picture.

The main building that houses the kitchen.

The labyrinth laid out for walking.

The harvest of this year's emmer wheat. A very good crop!

The center of the ritual area.

The Deities altar for the ritual.

The Ancestor's altar for the ritual.

The Nature Spirit's altar for the ritual.

The First Function altar.

The Second Function altar.

The main fire area.

My personal altar set up for my workshop on "Daily Devotional Rites."


Last updated 11/14/01.